Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 23

My item from the list today was to paraphrase a Psalm. I chose kind of randomly Psalm 42. (I chose 42 because in "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" 42 is the answer to life, but in real life Jesus is the answer to life. Lame I know, but I have to have reasons for things.) Once I opened my Bible to this chapter and began reading I realized it was the Psalm that inspired one of my very favorite hymns "As the Dear". So, that was pretty cool.
Paraphrasing a Psalm was really cool, because it made you stop and think about what the author was trying to convey through that phrase. So often when I open my Bible I end up just reading a chapter and only getting the surface meaning. It was really cool finding out what it was meant to say.
Also, I was able to put some of my awesome Bible interpreting skills I learned at school, last year! Yea, for learning something useful.
Angela Ruth
P.S. Picture later, my camera is dead!
P.P.S I'm going to update day 14! Go read it. It'll be awesome!

Day 22

Yesterday, I had a not so great day. I was just ridiculously tired. I every had a miny break down, because I was so tired. This all just made my blog activity for the day that much more amazing. I went to bed before 9 o'clock. 8:40 to be exact. That never happens. I typically go to bed at like 11:30, so 8:40 was like a dream come true. It made work today a whole lot easier. I'm thinking I should do that more often. I got 10 straight amazing hours of sleep.
You should try it sometime.
Angela Ruth

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 21

So Hanson is my favorite band. They were amazing when they were young and they are amazing now. Their new single is called Thinking Bout Somethin and it has an awesome music video and dance! (You should look it up!) So, my friend Jessi, who also loves Hanson, came over to teach me the Hanson dance today! It is SO hard! We aren't all the way through it yet, because it's pretty intense! It's a lot of fun though. It's gonna be great to be able to do the dance when we go to their concert in a couple months. Jessi is an awesome teacher!

Well we are gonna go learn the dance more!
Angela Ruth

Day 20

Yesterdays is extremely silly. After getting back from our trip, I miss Flowzell, so my brother and I took him for a walk. I got out our old little red wagon we used to get rides in (and cleaned in a little, it was really dirty!) and brought Flowzell out to the wagon. After walking like 3 steps I realized how ridiculously bumpy it was, and I feared for my fishes life. I made Daniel carry him while I pulled the wagon after that. Even then we only walked around a circle. I felt so silly, but I suppose that is the purpose of some of these. I don't think Flowzell liked it much so we probably wont be doing that again.

Day 19

On Sunday night, Kayla, Daniel, Caroline (my sister) and I went for late night ice cream. At about 11:40 at night we drove to Sonic and all got Reese's Sonic Blasts. They, of coarse, tasted amazing. We brought them back and watched a movie or a TV show (I can't remember what exactly we did. I was tired).
Thank you to my sister, for buying the ice cream, and thank you, Kayla, for driving us all over your town.
Angela Ruth

Day 18

On Saturday we drove up to my Aunt and Uncles house for a little family get together and that night my cousin, Kayla, Daniel and I decided to sleep in the trailer in the backyard. There trailer looks exactly like ours except flipped, which was interesting to us. I basically never get to see my cousin, so it was really good to get to hang out, stay up late and "camp" in the back yard. My family is a big camping family, but it was fun to camp in the back yard instead of the woods.
Angela Ruth

Day 17

Well, Friday night is my very favorite night ever (so far, but it'll probably stay that way!). My dad took me to see Wicked!!!!!! It was almost cheating, because when I made the list and I put "Go to a musical" on there, I already knew I would be going to one! See, my parents gave me tickets to see any musical I wanted for Christmas! I chose Wicked. I don't think it is cheating though, because it is on my list.
Anyway, it was amazing (that is an understatement). All of the singers were awesome (but it's Broadway, so that's a given). One of my dad's favorite parts was that all the props were brought in by remote control, so you never saw any of the backstage people! Isn't that awesome? I came out of the theater wanting to go right back in and see it all over again. I will be seeing it again some time in my life time.
Thank you parents for the awesome Christmas present!
Angela Ruth