Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 23

My item from the list today was to paraphrase a Psalm. I chose kind of randomly Psalm 42. (I chose 42 because in "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" 42 is the answer to life, but in real life Jesus is the answer to life. Lame I know, but I have to have reasons for things.) Once I opened my Bible to this chapter and began reading I realized it was the Psalm that inspired one of my very favorite hymns "As the Dear". So, that was pretty cool.
Paraphrasing a Psalm was really cool, because it made you stop and think about what the author was trying to convey through that phrase. So often when I open my Bible I end up just reading a chapter and only getting the surface meaning. It was really cool finding out what it was meant to say.
Also, I was able to put some of my awesome Bible interpreting skills I learned at school, last year! Yea, for learning something useful.
Angela Ruth
P.S. Picture later, my camera is dead!
P.P.S I'm going to update day 14! Go read it. It'll be awesome!

1 comment:

  1. love of my need to update your blog so i can learn about your life and creep on you:) HOORAY!
