Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 23

My item from the list today was to paraphrase a Psalm. I chose kind of randomly Psalm 42. (I chose 42 because in "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" 42 is the answer to life, but in real life Jesus is the answer to life. Lame I know, but I have to have reasons for things.) Once I opened my Bible to this chapter and began reading I realized it was the Psalm that inspired one of my very favorite hymns "As the Dear". So, that was pretty cool.
Paraphrasing a Psalm was really cool, because it made you stop and think about what the author was trying to convey through that phrase. So often when I open my Bible I end up just reading a chapter and only getting the surface meaning. It was really cool finding out what it was meant to say.
Also, I was able to put some of my awesome Bible interpreting skills I learned at school, last year! Yea, for learning something useful.
Angela Ruth
P.S. Picture later, my camera is dead!
P.P.S I'm going to update day 14! Go read it. It'll be awesome!

Day 22

Yesterday, I had a not so great day. I was just ridiculously tired. I every had a miny break down, because I was so tired. This all just made my blog activity for the day that much more amazing. I went to bed before 9 o'clock. 8:40 to be exact. That never happens. I typically go to bed at like 11:30, so 8:40 was like a dream come true. It made work today a whole lot easier. I'm thinking I should do that more often. I got 10 straight amazing hours of sleep.
You should try it sometime.
Angela Ruth

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 21

So Hanson is my favorite band. They were amazing when they were young and they are amazing now. Their new single is called Thinking Bout Somethin and it has an awesome music video and dance! (You should look it up!) So, my friend Jessi, who also loves Hanson, came over to teach me the Hanson dance today! It is SO hard! We aren't all the way through it yet, because it's pretty intense! It's a lot of fun though. It's gonna be great to be able to do the dance when we go to their concert in a couple months. Jessi is an awesome teacher!

Well we are gonna go learn the dance more!
Angela Ruth

Day 20

Yesterdays is extremely silly. After getting back from our trip, I miss Flowzell, so my brother and I took him for a walk. I got out our old little red wagon we used to get rides in (and cleaned in a little, it was really dirty!) and brought Flowzell out to the wagon. After walking like 3 steps I realized how ridiculously bumpy it was, and I feared for my fishes life. I made Daniel carry him while I pulled the wagon after that. Even then we only walked around a circle. I felt so silly, but I suppose that is the purpose of some of these. I don't think Flowzell liked it much so we probably wont be doing that again.

Day 19

On Sunday night, Kayla, Daniel, Caroline (my sister) and I went for late night ice cream. At about 11:40 at night we drove to Sonic and all got Reese's Sonic Blasts. They, of coarse, tasted amazing. We brought them back and watched a movie or a TV show (I can't remember what exactly we did. I was tired).
Thank you to my sister, for buying the ice cream, and thank you, Kayla, for driving us all over your town.
Angela Ruth

Day 18

On Saturday we drove up to my Aunt and Uncles house for a little family get together and that night my cousin, Kayla, Daniel and I decided to sleep in the trailer in the backyard. There trailer looks exactly like ours except flipped, which was interesting to us. I basically never get to see my cousin, so it was really good to get to hang out, stay up late and "camp" in the back yard. My family is a big camping family, but it was fun to camp in the back yard instead of the woods.
Angela Ruth

Day 17

Well, Friday night is my very favorite night ever (so far, but it'll probably stay that way!). My dad took me to see Wicked!!!!!! It was almost cheating, because when I made the list and I put "Go to a musical" on there, I already knew I would be going to one! See, my parents gave me tickets to see any musical I wanted for Christmas! I chose Wicked. I don't think it is cheating though, because it is on my list.
Anyway, it was amazing (that is an understatement). All of the singers were awesome (but it's Broadway, so that's a given). One of my dad's favorite parts was that all the props were brought in by remote control, so you never saw any of the backstage people! Isn't that awesome? I came out of the theater wanting to go right back in and see it all over again. I will be seeing it again some time in my life time.
Thank you parents for the awesome Christmas present!
Angela Ruth

Day 16

I've been out of town and staying out super late the last several days so that is why I haven't written, but worry not friend, I have not broken my one activity a day rule. Last Thursday, it was getting late and I still hadn't done anything off my list, when my friend who I haven't to in 6 months asked my if I wanted to spend the night to catch up. That's awfully convenient, because I missed her a lot, wanted to catch up, I still hadn't done anything for the day and it was on my list to catch up with an old friend! (The first two are the most important!)
It was so much fun! We just sat on her couch until three in the morning talking about what was going on in our lives and what had happened in the past 6 months. It was so good to hang out with her again and now we talk all the time!

I didn't get a picture of us, because we were to busy talking, but here is an old one of us!
Angela Ruth

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 15

I am afraid of the dark. Well, not quite. Ever since I was little I have been afraid of going outside at night. I have always made my brother go with me if I have to go outside after dark. When I was younger (still sometimes) I would make us hide behind our car anytime I heard or saw another car coming down the road. It has always been a big ordeal in my house anytime I had to go outside.
Today, Daniel and I went on a walk after dark. I was terrified. Our arms were linked the whole time because I was scared, and the couple times we saw cars I would repeat over and over "There is a car, there is a car. Daniel, there is a car." I am a scaredy cat I know, but I had one too many nightmares growing up. It was not one of my most favorite blog days, but at least I had my brave brother to be my guardian!

Conquering fears, one at a time.
Angela Ruth

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 14

I got the idea for today's blog from "Letters to Juliet" (which I still haven't seen, but I heard was really good!), but minus the love part of it. Jessica and I wrote a letter addressed to "person of whom I do not know" and than hid it in my town. My hope is that some random person will find it and stick a note of their own back in there or even comment on this blog. It is kind of silly and I felt like a major creeper, but it is exciting too. It's almost like the silly stories you used to hear about where someone would write a letter stick it in a bottle and send it off in the ocean.
When I first sat down to write the letter, I just stared at a blank piece of paper, because I had now idea what to write, but I eventually figured out something! Jessica and I had fun, it made us feel like we were in a movie a little bit! Anyway, hopefully I will have more to add to this later, if someone finds our letter!

Angela Ruth

So if you looked at the comment you probably already figured out but, I got a letter back!!!! Isn't that cool? I was at my Aunt and Uncles house this weekend when I got a comment on this thing. So as soon as we got home (literally) my brother and I jumped in my car and drove to the place I hid it! Low and behold, there was a letter there waiting for me! My family and I were extremely surprise anyone found it at all, and than how fast he found it was quite a surprise! Anyway, the letter was sweet! One of the things he said, was a movie suggestion! I decided I was going to put that on my list of things! So get ready! Well, it was quite exciting, and I am grateful to him for playing along with my silly ideas, writing a letter back, and even looking up my blog to leave a comment! Thanks man!
Angela Ruth

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 13

What I did for the day happened kind of randomly. I was at work and just started painting my finger nails with white out. I wasn't just slacking off, Molly and I were planning the Wednesday night activity for the kids and she was sitting at the computer, so I wasn't doing anything with my hands, so why not paint my fingernails? Than later my mom walked by and said "Angela, your fingernails look horrible!" (She never would have said it if she thought I was being serious with it.) She than said I should find a permanent marker and put dots on them. Molly (she did my right hand) and I took that to the next level and did a different design on each finger. We did a lightning bolt, smiley face, paw print, stripes, polka dots, a fish, an A for Angela, a flower, an E, and a star, one on each finger. Basically, my fingers look ridiculous! Than after we had been done for a while I suddenly remembered that doing my fingernails crazy was on my blog list and I hadn't decided what I was going to do for the day. Apparently it had already been done. It was fun. I love that my mom was encouraging me to be childish even before we realized it was for the blog.
I did, in fact, wear them the rest of the day. Even when I went out to see my friend Brittany and her family, I left my crazy fingernails on .

Angela Ruth

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 12

Today, I chose to eat with my hand all day long. I chose this without knowing what we were going to be eating for the day. It was quite interesting. Breakfast and dinner were normal enough. I had doughnuts for breakfast and pizza for dinner. I do normally eat pizza with a fork, but its not hard to eat it without one.
Lunch, however, was an adventure! We had shrimp, kiwi and jicama which was all easy to eat with my hands, but we also had papaya (which was extremely slimy and hard to pick up) and beans. I washed my hands about 10 times after lunch was over! I felt like a child eating with my hands, but then again that is the point!
Angela Ruth

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 11

So you know in movies how the main girl character always seems to wake up with make up on and ready for the day? I am going to be that moviestar for the night! It is 11:29 and I have taken a shower, done my make up, blow dried and straightened my hair, and put on my clothes for tomorrow! My hope is in the morning I can wake up and go! I admit I felt really silly doing my make up at 11 o'clock at night in preparation for bed, but it is going to be so nice having to wake up 2 minutes before we have to leave and still look okay for church!
Tomorrow I'll up date it so you know how it went!
All ready for bed!

Angela Ruth

Okay so this morning I woke up, brushed my hair and teeth and was set! I woke up at 7:59 and was ready to go at 8:02! Upside-I got to sleep in! Extra sleep, I'm all about that! Downside-I was not awake fully until we had been at church for a little bit! I was scared my make up was going to come off in my sleep and my hair would get wavy from being slept on but neither were the case! It was exciting!

Day 10-Flowzell

This past year at school, two friends and I were supposed to go get fish, but I never did. What to do about that? Put it on my blog list! So yesterday when I got home from camp that is what we did! We went to get my fish! I wanted two fish and I was going to name them Flowzell and Sam! (Flowzell Adams of the Dallas Cowboys and Sam Bradford of the Oklahoma Sooners!) The kind of fish I got was Betta fish and they can't live in the same place together so I could only get one fish! Now I have a delima! My favorite player is Sam Bradford, but Flowzell is a much better fishy name! After much deliberation I have decided a poll is in order! I have three choices and I just cant choose so I need your help! The choices are: Flowzell, Flowzell Bradford, or Flowzell Sam and than my last name! (If you wouldn't mind leaving a comment or text me if you have my number I would greatly appreciate it!)
Angela Ruth

Day 9-Zip Line!

When I went to this camp as a camper, I climbed all the way up the zip line tower to the platform and than chickened out! It was just too shaky and I got scared! I decided since I was going to camp I should overcome my childhood fear! However when I got there I almost backed out, but Ms. Shannon talked me into it! I made it! Let me tell you that tower was just as shaky the second time around! The scariest part was having to sit down on the edge of it! Nevertheless, It was a fun experience! When I was gearing up one of my new friends from the week, Randi, came up to me and said, "Ms. Angela if you don't do it your a wimp!" (Randi did NOT do the zip tower might I add!) Then when they were putting my helmet on I had a group of about 7 campers giving me a pep talk and after it was over I had a the same group run up and give me high fives! They were encouragement enough to get me through it!
There will be pictures soon! Ms. Donna took some I just haven't gotten them from her yet!
Angela Ruth

Day 8-Going Spinning

Wednesday was one of my favorite days! Molly and I went in front of our cabin where there were a bunch of girls playing with snails and asked them if they wanted to "go spinning" with us! So we all went into the grassy area and started spinning in circles! It was so much fun! Some of the girls made it into a competition to see who could spin the longest! I definitely lost that one. I fell in a ditch! That's when I decided that those of us not wearing shoes should go inside and put some on! When we got back outside we continued to spin for about 10 more minutes!

The second to last one is just some of the group after going spinning and the last is my awesome photographer Clara!
Love those girls!
Angela Ruth

Day 7 - Human table

Well Tuesday in worship the camp pastor did this thing called a human table. Ms. Molly (one of the other counselors) told me later that I should do that for my blog. (I still need a couple more things to complete my list). Later that day I was trying to think of something to do for the day so I figured we could do the table that day.
Here's what we did. It takes four people, we had Ms. Molly, Callie, Hannah, and me. Callie and Hannah are two of the fifth grade girls in Ms. Molly's group. You set up four chairs facing each other, than sit in them with your legs going out in every direction, so like everybody sits with their legs off the left side of their chair. Than you lay back so your head and back are on the person to the right of your legs, and hold hands in the middle. The next thing you have to do is have somebody else go around and take away all the chairs. There you have a human table! The bottom half of everybody's legs will be vertical but the rest of you horizontal. We had to have 3 tries but I think that was because of the size difference in the 4 of us. It was so much fun!

I don't have a picture from when we actually made the table, because I couldn't find my camera at the moment (typical), so I made this collage of the people who made the table with me.
From left to right you have Hannah, Callie, and Ms. Molly.

Angela Ruth

Day 6

Well this week has been a crazy one! I went to kids camp as a counselor with my church (which was amazing by the way) so I was unable to do the actual blog but I still did something everyday for it.
Monday was the craziest day of camp because everything was new. I went all day without doing something. I got in bed at 11:45 at night and remembered I hadn't done anything, so I flipped upside down in my bed (which is one of my blog activities). It was so weird! Everyone else's feet were on the side my face was on. I actually flipped back around in my sleep. That is also the night that I slept walked, so maybe I shouldn't sleep upside down again.
Just a thought
Angela Ruth

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 5 - Gibberish

Tonight, My mom called and asked me to get drinks from QT on the way home from church, which is usual enough. My response however was not. I spoke in gibberish the whole time! Her first reply was "What!?", as any normal person's response would be. After another strew of nonsense went her way she began making up what I was saying to her. Her response to my gibberish was "Because we have another errand we have to run!" It was quite hysterical! I burst out laughing but continued the best I could. Our whole conversation lasted a whole 22 seconds.
That's when she said she couldn't understand me and hung up.
I don't blame her though. Not having any idea what someone is saying can be frustrating. Luckily I have a super cool mom, who called me back 30 seconds later laughing, because my dad told her what I was doing.

This one is posed but I didn't want y'all to miss out on the face she was making.
Now, I must defend my mom. My mom says "The church has bad reception and you're hard to understand anyway!" I love my parents! Ha
It was such a good day!
Angela Ruth

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 4-Top Secret File

Well, I heard long ago, a rumor that the pastor had a secret study. A couple of months ago, when I was making the list for 365, I decided it was high time to see if there was truth to this rumor. Today Daniel and I searched for the alleged study. I could only think of one place to look. It was there! The first place we looked!
This is a hard one to write about because it is all secrets, so I apologize for the lack of information, but it is after all, a SECRET study!

Daniel was the bouncer for Brother Greg's secret study!

Daniel calls this our epic success high five! As you can see we felt very accomplished.

Angela Ruth

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 3-This Has Been Silly Songs With Daniel and Angela

Anyone catch that reference?
Today my brother and I wrote a silly song about things we love!

It was really fun actually! We wrote out some....interesting (that's being kind) lyrics that originally were about things we love but getting caught up in the whole rhyming thing made us veer a little bit. Than, my favorite part, we wrote out the music part. It was ALL Daniel. At least on the piano! We spent a good 45 minutes working out the kinks but we laughed the whole time! Than came my part: drums! Also amusing, but way more difficult because we managed to put it in crazy time!
I played connect the dots with Daniels freckles and found a heart! Isn't that how the famous people write songs?
Just in case you were wondering some of the things we wrote about in our song...We love Hanson, video games, 80's movies, Harrison Ford, not having homework, heavy metal music, family, friends, and most importantly God.
Angela Ruth

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 2-The Pizza Shack

Well today I made homemade pizza! It was quite an adventure too!
Shall we start at the beginning?

My mom said we should make a double batch of the crust dough so we could make two pizzas! Sounds great right? It was...until I forgot to double the flour! It was SO gooey! Than we decided to make more and have three pizzas! The second batch of dough (second and third pizzas) was...well we dont really know what happened but it was to dry!

Regardless of our (this "our" of which I speak is my friend Jess and I) mistakes, all three pizza were good! Just know what to tweak next time!
I hate hate hate red sauce so I used white sauce, much to my dads dismay! I ALSO dont like meat, so it only had cheese on it! I am indeed the pickiest eater ever! Im okay with it!

It was quite fun! I was proud to have Jess as a cooking partner and my Mom as our tutor!
Thanks y'all!
Angela Ruth

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 1-Startin' a Blog!

"Julie and Julia" - cooking + random fun things = My Blog

Thats the idea! Basically if you havent seen Julie and Julia you cant read my blog...not really! 365 days in a year 365 things to do! So get ready!

Today is a little lame because....well it was a super busy day and my birthday! Today's 365 activity was start a blog....check!

I really just think this birthday cake my friend Jessi made me is SUPER awesome so I want to show you!

That is all for today! Im gonna go enjoy the last 37 minutes of my birthday!
Angela Ruth