Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 9-Zip Line!

When I went to this camp as a camper, I climbed all the way up the zip line tower to the platform and than chickened out! It was just too shaky and I got scared! I decided since I was going to camp I should overcome my childhood fear! However when I got there I almost backed out, but Ms. Shannon talked me into it! I made it! Let me tell you that tower was just as shaky the second time around! The scariest part was having to sit down on the edge of it! Nevertheless, It was a fun experience! When I was gearing up one of my new friends from the week, Randi, came up to me and said, "Ms. Angela if you don't do it your a wimp!" (Randi did NOT do the zip tower might I add!) Then when they were putting my helmet on I had a group of about 7 campers giving me a pep talk and after it was over I had a the same group run up and give me high fives! They were encouragement enough to get me through it!
There will be pictures soon! Ms. Donna took some I just haven't gotten them from her yet!
Angela Ruth

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