Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 15

I am afraid of the dark. Well, not quite. Ever since I was little I have been afraid of going outside at night. I have always made my brother go with me if I have to go outside after dark. When I was younger (still sometimes) I would make us hide behind our car anytime I heard or saw another car coming down the road. It has always been a big ordeal in my house anytime I had to go outside.
Today, Daniel and I went on a walk after dark. I was terrified. Our arms were linked the whole time because I was scared, and the couple times we saw cars I would repeat over and over "There is a car, there is a car. Daniel, there is a car." I am a scaredy cat I know, but I had one too many nightmares growing up. It was not one of my most favorite blog days, but at least I had my brave brother to be my guardian!

Conquering fears, one at a time.
Angela Ruth

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